Metamorfosi Geniali
A series of works for Sali e Tabacchi Journal blending the practices of myself and Luca Anzalone with an accompanying text by yours truly. The resulting piece, Metamorfosi Geniali: Genius Loci, Cucina Povera and The Power of Becoming, presents a series of food-based metamorphoses that explore the murkiness or madness that occurs upon allowing the domestic space to absorb, mingle with, or graft onto an artistic or otherwise productive practice. The term genius loci attempts to reconcile the abstract essence with the reality of a place, but in contemporary contexts it often speaks of the essence of a place without considering the labor and material reality of the individuals and ecosystems responsible for that seemingly essential quality. Maybe there is an opportunity to revisit the genius loci that could instead include those embedded material histories and revive an ancient dialogue with the inconsistencies, madness and intrinsic folly of producing (and reproducing) reality, culture, and human life.
Videos 1, 2, and 3